Is It Safe To Get Laser Hair Removal During Pregnancy?

Is It Safe To Get Laser Hair Removal During Pregnancy?

Across Australia, women turn to laser hair removal to remove unwanted hair.  A safe, reliable, and cost-effective hair removal method, laser methods have given women back their confidence by removing or reducing underarm hair, and hair on the face, legs, and bikini zone.
But is laser hair removal pregnancy safe?  Read on to find out why the team at Clinica Lase recommends you choose other hair removal methods during pregnancy - and it has nothing to do with safety.

Excess Hair During Pregnancy

If you've noticed excess hair growth during pregnancy, you're not alone.  Especially in the third trimester, pregnant women can notice hair in areas it has never appeared before, including the arms, breasts, neck, face, and belly.  This phenomenon is caused by naturally high levels of androgen and estrogen associated with pregnancy and is completely normal.
But don't worry - the extra hair growth is temporary.  Most women find that the excess hair is gone within three months after the baby is born.

Reasons Against Laser Hair Removal During Pregnancy

Lack Of Research On Effects

There is no doubt that laser hair removal is a safe method of removing unwanted hair.  In fact, lasers are used across the country and the world to safely treat warts, kidney stones, and a variety of other medical conditions.
However, there simply has not been enough research undertaken on pregnant women to be able to definitively answer the question: is laser hair removal during pregnancy safe?  This lack of research is unlikely to be resolved soon, as it seems unlikely that a group of pregnant women would participate in a study to track the effects of laser hair removal on their unborn babies.

Pregnancy Hormones Disrupt Hair Growth Cycle

Unlike immediate hair removal treatments like waxing and shaving, laser hair removal is a gradual process that takes place over a series of appointments.  Pregnancy disrupts the normal hair growth cycle, potentially making it difficult to time the treatments to be most effective. In any event, pregnancy-related hair growth usually resolves itself within three months after the birth of the baby, at which point the treatments would become unnecessary.


In addition to excess body hair, many pregnant women find that their skin temporarily darkens during pregnancy – a phenomenon called hyperpigmentation.  Laser hair removal works best for lighter skin tones, with the greatest results occurring in people with a high colour contrast between the colour of the hair and the colour of the skin.  With skin darkening during pregnancy, laser hair removal may be temporarily less effective than at other times.

Sensitive Skin

Skin tends to be more sensitive during pregnancy, due to a combination of increased blood supply and the stretching of the skin around the breasts and abdomen.  This temporary sensation may make laser hair removal more painful or uncomfortable during this time.

Laser Hair Removal Alternatives

With many questioning is laser hair removal pregnancy safe, it makes more sense to look to laser hair removal alternatives that are likely to be safer and more comfortable when dealing with excess unwanted hair during pregnancy.


Since laser hair removal and pregnancy are not a good combination, many women turn to shaving as a convenient and inexpensive hair removal process.  Paired with a good moisturiser, your highly sensitive skin should react well to your normal shaving routine. Both electric and manual razors will do the job, but remember to be careful as your balance may not be as good as it normally is.  Never shave in the shower where you could slip and hurt yourself or your baby.


Waxing is another legitimate hair removal option during pregnancy.  Keep in mind that your extra-sensitive skin may react differently to waxing than it normally does, so choose a good quality antiseptic lotion to use before and after.  You may find a professional waxing session a better option during pregnancy, as it can be hard to reach everywhere as your belly grows.

Tweezing And Threading

The tiniest hair removal jobs can be taken care of with tweezing and threading.  At home tweezing can tackle unwanted facial hair and unruly eyebrows, while professional threading is also totally safe and generally pain-free.

Hair Removal Treatments To Avoid During Pregnancy

Depilatory Creams

Depilatory creams contain chemicals like thioglycolic acid and barium sulphide and are best avoided during pregnancy.  While there have not been any definitive studies stating that these chemicals can harm an unborn baby, it's best not to take the risk especially when there are plenty of chemical-free hair removal alternatives to try during pregnancy.


Electrolysis should absolutely be avoided.  The process involves passing an electrical current through the body and back to the device, destroying the hair follicle.  There are concerns that the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby could conduct electricity, potentially harming the baby.  It's just not worth the risk.

Should You Postpone Laser Hair Removal Treatment If You Become Pregnant?

Feel free to continue your normal laser hair removal treatments while you are trying to conceive, but since laser hair removal while pregnant isn't recommended, please let us know as soon as you find out the good news.  We will discontinue your treatment plan but will be happy to resume it in the future.

How Soon After Delivery Can You Have Laser Hair Removal?

It's always a good idea to discuss your plans to resume laser hair removal treatments with your doctor.  Those who wondered is laser hair removal pregnancy safe will be pleased to know that most doctors will give the all-clear to resume treatments between three and six months following the birth of your new baby unless you are breastfeeding.

Can You Get Laser Hair Removal When Breastfeeding?

As any good skin specialist will advise you, it is not a good idea to resume treatments while breastfeeding.  This is simply a precaution to ensure the health and well-being of all our clients since there is simply a lack of information on the effect of laser treatments while pregnant or breastfeeding.
If you have any questions or concerns about hair removal or any of the other treatments offered by Clinica Lase, please contact us today.  Our helpful, friendly clinicians are ready to sit down with you and answer any questions you may have.